Jaku Konbit’s Black Youth Entrepreneurship and Innovation Program aims to help young people develop their entrepreneurial ideas into viable start-up businesses. Through best practices in business start-up training, speakers’ presentations, workshops, mentorship, development of learning resources, and the promotion of employment fundamentals, the program seeks to equip youth with the knowledge, practical skills, and tools needed to begin shaping their own futures. Through an eight-week session replicated for four cohorts each year, BYEI also intends to impart key business tenets such as planning, discipline, professionalism, and resilience, while connecting potential entrepreneurs to industry experts. Ultimately, by developing the capacity for economic independence in our young people, Jaku Konbit hopes to help foster the aggregate contribution of the Black-African-Caribbean community to Canadian society.
Programs and services include but are not limited to:
For more information, please contact: byei@jakukonbit.com