Jaku Konbit is proud to launch their official Mentorship Program. Since the year 2000, Jaku Konbit has touched and impacted the lives of hundreds of youth and families in the Ottawa region. In that time, we have always been mentors and facilitated mentoring relationships between members of our community.
Jaku Konbit is proud to launch their official Mentorship Program. Since the year 2000, Jaku Konbit has touched and impacted the lives of hundreds of youth and families in the Ottawa region. In that time, we have always been mentors and facilitated mentoring relationships between members of our community.
Whether it has been our special guest speakers and presenters at our day camps or presenters at our Kwanzaa Celebrations or tutors in the Black Star Tutoring Program or seniors with summer campers in the community garden; in some fashion or another, Jaku Konbit has been in the forefront in the Ottawa Afro Caribbean community serving as leaders, role models and mentors to children and families.
We believe even the slightest positive influence has the potential to change a child’s life. Formalizing the work that we have been doing, Jaku Konbit will now incorporate mentoring into its existing programs such as the Day Camps, Youth Employment and Black Star Tutoring.
In 2018, Jaku Konbit’s Mentorship Program was supported by the Ontario Ministry of Children and Youth Services; specifically, their Ontario Black Youth Action Plan. As such, much of our programming is supported to focus exclusively on black children and youth.
Our mentorship program is tailored to the ACBC (African, Caribbean, Black Canadian) community; our mentorship program focuses on fostering reciprocal learning and providing lasting community impact by pairing mentees and mentors within our community.
The mentor will: